Port erin, Isle Of Man

8th June 2015

Buying Hearing Aids ? Here is What You Need To Know

Buying Hearing Aids on The Isle Of Man ?

Here is our Checklist of What You Need to Know

Buying hearing aids can be a daunting task for the un-initiated. However, once you have a fair idea about what you should ask and what your chosen hearing care professional should do, It is a lot easier. So with that in mind we are going to try and detail the questions you should ask and what should happen. Here is the first part of the series and it covers the hearing test. 

Hearing Screening or Full Hearing test ?

A full hearing test is important to make decisions about any treatment that may be beneficial to a Patient. It is the basis of everything that happens after it. A full hearing examination or test is an in depth examination of the function of your hearing. A hearing screening, however, is is just a short screening of your ability to hear, it gives a general overview of whether you have a hearing loss or not. It does not and should not form the basis of any treatment decisions. The hearing screening is just of use to establish whether a fuller hearing test is needed.  

What Should Happen At A Hearing Test

A hearing professional should give you a full explanation of all of the tests undertaken. During the hearing test they should ask you about the effect of hearing loss on your life at home, work, school, using the phone, etc. They should also encourage a significant other to attend the consultation so they can have an opportunity to express the effect of your hearing loss on them. At the end of the tests, they should explain all of the results and what they mean. They should show you your audiogram and explain what it means. 

The Audiogram

The audiogram details your auditory hearing test results, it is a record of the quietest sounds you can hear across the frequencies of human hearing that are important for speech. The document also details exactly what type of hearing loss you have. Your hearing professional should explain to you:

  • What your audiogram means
  • What type of hearing loss you have
  • Why you sometimes can hear but not understand 
  • What a hearing aid can do for you and most importantly what it can’t do for you 

In our next article we will explore what should happen when you actually buy a hearing aid. 

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